Dear UCSF Naffziger Society Members,
With our Annual Meeting coming up in less than a week, I wanted to again cordially invite you to attend our Naffziger Business Luncheon, Chief Resident Dinner, and Postgraduate Course. Please click here for full details about the events, locations, directions, and information about late registration. Please note that the location of the business luncheon has changed from the 10th Floor to the 2nd Floor in the Lobby Area of Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel.
Postgraduate Course in Hernia Surgery ————————————-
This year’s Postgraduate Course in Hernia Surgery, co-hosted with the UCSF Department of Surgery, is a truly outstanding program, and one which Naffziger dues-paying and retired members, as well as UCSF General and Plastic Surgery Residents, may attend without having to pay the course fee. This year’s program will feature renowned experts in the fields of general, gastrointestinal, and laparoscopic surgery; surgical nutrition and metabolism; reconstructive microsurgery; and complex abdominal wall reconstruction. The program will explore the latest evidenced-based studies and emerging consensus of expert opinion. This is also an ideal forum for networking and reconnecting with past Chief Resident graduates.
Late Breaking Announcements
Haile T. Debas, MD to Speak at Naffziger Dinner Honoring Chief Residents

The Society is pleased to announce that Dr. Haile T. Debas, Director of the University of California Global Health Institute and Founding Executive Director of UCSF Global Health Sciences (GHS), will be giving a lecture, entitled “The Uncertain Beginnings Of A Surgical Career”, at the dinner honoring the Chief Residents on Friday, May 13th. Dr. Debas is recognized internationally for his contributions to academic medicine and widely consulted on issues associated with global health. A gastrointestinal surgeon by training, Dr. Debas chaired the UCSF Department of Surgery from 1987-2003, and is the Maurice Galante Distinguished Professor of Surgery, Emeritus at UCSF. In 1997, Dr. Debas was appointed the seventh Chancellor of UCSF, agreeing to accept the appointment for a period of one year. Serving concurrently as both Chancellor and School of Medicine Dean, he played a key role in all of the major initiatives of the campus, including the development of UCSF Stanford Health Care, the campus at Mission Bay, and the UCSF Comprehensive Cancer Center.
RSVP to Attend Dr. Debas Lecture – “The Uncertain Beginnings Of A Surgical Career”, on Friday May 13th at One Market
Karen Deveney, MD Serving as President of Pacific Coast Surgical Association
Karen Deveney, M.D. (Class of 1978), Professor of Surgery at the OHSU School of Medicine and Vice-Chair for Education in the OHSU Department of Surgery, currently serves as President of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association (PCSA), having been elected last year for its 2015-16 academic term. Dr. Deveney is the first woman President of the Association. The PCSA was established in 1925 to advance the science and practice of surgery and currently represents California, Oregon, Hawaii, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska.

Jessica H. Beard, MD, MPH (Class of 2015), currently a Trauma & Surgical Critical Care Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, was honored as recipient of the American Hernia Society Research Award through which she will study the utility of mosquito nets for hernia repairs. The grant is entitled: “Outcomes After Low Cost Mesh Repair of Inguinal Hernia Performed by Surgeons and Non-Surgeons In Ghana: A Prospective Cohort Study.” Dr. Beard, a former UCSF Global Surgery Scholar, has conducted research centered on inguinal hernia epidemiology, the delivery of safe and effective hernia care in low-resource settings, and surgical task-shifting in sub-Saharan Africa. Her research group is investigating whether mosquito nets could provide a reasonable substitute for mesh to repair hernias in sub-Saharan Africa where mesh repairs are not widely available.

An Historical Journey through a Decade of Loupes Presentations
The presentation of the loupes is an annual tradition in the UCSF Department of Surgery. During the ceremony, each categorical PGY-2 resident is given a pair loupes in honor of a distinguished faculty member or UCSF Naffziger Society member. The theme of this special Grand Rounds event, “Historical Perspectives from the Department of Surgery”, fosters an important bond between UCSF faculty, UCSF Naffziger Society members, and current UCSF general surgery residents.
I invite you to take a journey through the past decade of loupes ceremonies, as reflected in the presentation booklets distributed to the audience at historic Toland Hall. Each booklet includes a wealth of information about recipients, honorees and faculty presenters for that year.
A Decade of Loupes Presentations
A Priceless Collection of Naffziger Photos from Lawrence W. Way, M.D., Esteemed Surgeon, Naffziger Historian and Avid Photographer

Dr. Laurence W. Way (Class of 1967), Professor Emeritus of General Surgery, is revered by both colleagues and generations of residents and fellows for his unremitting focus on the training of future surgeons. A technical virtuoso in the OR with an extensive research portfolio, the development of the surgical house staff has always among his top priorities. A stern taskmaster on rounds and in the operating room, he sets standards that several generations of UCSF trained surgeons use as a benchmark for performance. Indeed, Dr. Lawrence W. Way is one of the prime surgeons that propelled UCSF to its status as a world-class institution. Dr. Way is also an avid photographer, and has parlayed that expertise to create a stunning slideshow or about 200 Naffziger-related photos comprised of graduating classes and group photos from Naffziger events, spanning nearly five decades.
This slideshow will be shown on a large screen TV next to the registration desk during all three days of the Postgraduate Course. (We will be uploading the slideshow to the website once several few logistical are addressed.)New Executive Council Nominees ——————————
The Naffziger Society is pleased to announce that it has invited two general surgery residents to serve as resident representatives on the Executive Council:

James Gardner, M.D., Ph.D., currently a PGY-4 senior resident, has been nominated to serve as Chief Resident Representative on the Executive Council and Kelly Mahuron, M.D., currently a PGY-3 resident, has been nominated to serve as the Resident Research Representive, each of their terms commening July 1st, the start of the 2015-2016 academic year.In Closing ———-
Thank you again for giving me the opportunity to serve as your President, which has been a rich and rewarding experience. I’d like also thank the other members of Executive Council for their support during my tenure as President, and the Naffziger staff, Annette Bronstein and Richard Barg, for their work and dedication to ensuring that the Society’s operations run smoothly and efficiently.
Laurence F. See, MD, FACS, FASCRS
Class of 1997 President, 2015-16 UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society