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Presidential Winter 2015 Update

Dear Naffziger Surgical Society Members:

It remains as my honor and privilege to serve as your 65th Naffziger Society President for 2014-15. I wanted to update you on our upcoming annual events and make some other announcements attendant to our latest Executive Council meeting in January:

Postgraduate Course in Breast & Endocrine Surgery

It is my pleasure to invite you to San Francisco for the Postgraduate Course in Breast & Endocrine Surgery,co-chaired by Dr. Quan-Yang Duh and Dr. Laura Esserman,and hosted by the UCSF Department of Surgery. This outstanding program is held in conjunction with Naffziger Day at the Marines’ Memorial Club on March 6-7th.

I have invited Dr. Gerard Doherty as the Naffziger Visiting Professor and UCSF Endocrine Surgery has invited Dr. Nancy Perrier from the MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am delighted to report both of our invited speakers have accepted. All members are cordially invited to attend our March 6th lunch business meeting at Marine’s Memorial, and our March 6th dinner meeting at One Market Restaurant where we will recognize both the 2015-16 UCSF Chief Residents and our new society members.

Registration for Course

There is no charge for attending the Postgraduate Course itself. Attendance is complementary. However, if CME Credit is required, there is a $35.00 charge.

Note online registration is not available for Naffziger members. Instead, please register either by calling the CME office at 415-475-5808 or registering at the conference with Courtney Flookes, the Post-Graduate course coordinator.

Cost for Business Lunch and Naffziger Dinner

For your convenience, you may now pay for these events online by clicking the PayPal Pay for Events button on our website. The cost for the lunch on March 6th is $50.00 and $100.00 for the dinner that evening for a total of $150.00. If you elect to bring a spouse or guest to the dinner, please add an additional $100.00. PayPal will give you the option at checkout to attach a note indicating which events you are paying for and whether you will be bringing a guest. Click here if you would like to pay for these events using PayPal. You may also mail us a check at the address listed below.

Membership Dues Support the Naffziger Society’s Mission

We truly value your support and loyalty through payment of membership dues. These funds are critical to supporting the mission of the Society including our educational symposiums, annual events and social functions. For those of you who have paid this past year’s membership dues, Thank You!

If you have not yet paid your 2014 dues for the academic year 2014-2015, please consider doing so today by clicking the PayPal Pay Membership Dues button on our website. Click here if you would like to pay these dues now. You may also, of course, send us a check for $200.00 made payable to the “UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society”. Please mail the check to:

UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society
P.O. Box 3052
Berkeley, CA 94703

Since we are a 501(c)(3) registered organization, your membership dues should be tax deductible.

New Online Billing and Payments System

I am also pleased to tell you about our new and modern system for billing and payment of membership fees. We have worked hard to make payment of dues easy and convenient. Members with valid email addresses on file will be emailed electronic invoices for membership dues for the 2015-2016 academic year. For the first time, you may pay your dues directly from your electronic invoice by clicking the “View Pledge Now” button within the email. This will take you to a secure website with a “Pay Now” button operated by “Intuit Payment Processing”, a well-established and highly respected name in the field. You payment will be instantly credited to your membership account and you will receive a payment confirmation.

Because we are in a year of transition from a purely paper-based system, we will also be mailing paper bills to the membership. We will, of course, endeavor to avoid sending you a paper bill if you have already paid your 2015-2016 dues electronically.

Supporting the Orlo Clark Lectureship in Endocrine Surgery

Dr. Quan Duh has written an accompanying letter to the membership providing additional details on the outstanding didactic program for this years’ post-graduate course, and further requesting your support of The Orlo Clark Lectureship in Endocrine Surgery. Dr. Clark is recognized as one of the fathers of modern American endocrine surgery and is world-renowned in the field. Please click here to read Dr. Duh’s letter.

In Closing

Finally, we appreciate the efforts of members to update the Society on their latest contact information. During the past year, we have made significant strides in cleaning up our records and bringing the society forward into the digital age. As a reminder, you can update your contact information at any time by using the contact form on our website or by emailing us directly at

I look forward to seeing you in person on March 6th and 7th for several days of learning and fellowship. Please feel free to to reach out to me or any council member regarding any issue you would like addressed or if you have ideas for improving the Society.


James Constant, MD
President, UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society