As my term comes to an end, I want to take this opportunity to thank the membership for honoring me as President of the UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society. With the start of a new academic year upon us, Dr. Wen Shen, will be succeeding me as your next President. With that, I’d like to conclude my term with a number of announcements.
Dr. Nancy Ascher Stepping Down as Department Chair
Nancy L. Ascher, M.D., Ph.D. has announced she will be stepping down as Chair of the UCSF Department of Surgery at the end of the 2015-16 academic year, a position she has held since 1999. She will remain as Chair until her successor is named and assumes the leadership mantle. Dr. Ascher, a world-renowned transplant surgeon, is the holder of two Distinguished Professorships: the Isis Distinguished Professor in Transplantation and the Leon Goldman, MD Distinguished Professor in Surgery. Dr. Ascher has also had a distinguished career in public service including appointments to the Presidential Task Force on Organ Transplantation and the Surgeon General’s Task Force on Increasing Donor Organs.
The UCSF Department of Surgery will be hosting a reception honoring Dr. Ascher on Saturday, July 2nd, from 7:00PM to 9:00PM, at the 5th Floor Rooftop Pavilion and Sculpture Garden of the new San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Numerous tributes and expressions of gratitude have been posted to the on-line “Comment Wall.” We have posted them here for you to read.
UCSF Department of Surgery Chief Resident Dinner
The annual dinner honoring the 2015-16 graduating Chief Residents of the General Surgery Residency Program was held on Friday, June 3, 2016 atop The Westin St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco in the Alexandria Room. After an introduction by the Department Chair, Dr. Nancy Ascher, the Chief Residents were separately introduced by Linda M. Reilly, M.D, Program Director, Lygia Stewart, M.D., Associate Program Director, and Ryutaro Hirose, M.D., Associate Program Director. The Chiefs gave riveting talks about their life experiences and journeys through medical school and residency, culminating with graduation.
Pictured left to right: Joy Walker, MD; Rebecca Maine, MD, MPH; Emily Huang, MD; Shareef Syed, MBChB, MRCS; Lucy Kornblith, MD; Carolyn Seib, MD; and Cerene Jeanty, MD. – Photograph Courtesy of Dr. Lawrence Way
The Naffziger Annual Meeting and Business Lunch was held on Thursday, May 12th at the Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel in San Francisco. The recent nominations by the Executive Council of James Gardner, M.D., Ph.D., to serve as Chief Resident Representative, and Kelly Mahuron, M.D. to serve as Resident Research Representative, were ratified by the membership.
The Society also acknowledged the passing of the following members: John Q. Owsley, MD, 1960; Donald L. Morton, MD, 1966; James A. Bulen, MD, 1955; Fraser M. Keith, MD, Associate Member; Paul H. Trotta, MD, 1958; William L. Weirich, MD, 1958; and Herbert S. Mooney, Jr. MD, 1965. There were reminiscences of their lives and careers followed by a moment of silence.
Pictured left to right: Lawence Way, Carlos A. Pellegrini, Hobart W. Harris, and Guilherme M. Campos – Photo Coutesy of Dr. Laurence Yee
Dinner Honoring Chief Residents
The Chief Resident dinner was held on Friday, May 13th at One Market in San Francisco. To honor their accomplishments and fulfillment of a major milestone in their careers, namely graduation from the UCSF General Surgery Residency Program, each Chief Resident was presented with: 1) An engraved Naffziger Certificate of Lifetime Membership, 2) “The History of the Surgical Service at San Francisco General Hospital” by William Schecter, Robert Lim, George Sheldon, Norman Christensen, and William Blaisdell, and 3) An individually engraved Chief Resident Chair (to be shipped to each resident in the days following the ceremony).
During the dinner, Dr. Haile T. Debas gave a personal and inspiring lecture to the Chief Residents entitled, “The Uncertain Beginnings Of A Surgical Career”. Dr. Debas is a former Chair of the Department of Surgery (1987-2003); former Dean of the UCSF School of Medicine (1993 – 2003); former UCSF Chancellor; Maurice Galante Distinguished Professor of Surgery, Emeritus; Director of the University of California Global Health Institute; and Founding Executive Director of UCSF Global Health Sciences (GHS),
Dr. Debas will always be my hero!
Pictured left to right: W. Slate Wilson; Kim and Haile Debas; and Rupsa Yee – Photo Courtesy of Dr. Laurence Yee
In Closing
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve as your President for the 2015-16 academic year. I’d also like to again thank my fellow Executive Council members for their support, and the Naffziger staff, Annette Bronstein, Executive Secretary, and Richard Barg, Director of Online Operations, for their tirelessand amazing dedication to the administrative affairs of the Society.
It is my distinct honor and privilege to serve as the 66th President of the UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society.
First, I want to take this opportunity to thank my predecessor, James Constant, MD, for his outstanding service as our immediate past President. Under his leadership, the Society implemented electronic billing for the membership, and spearheaded the effort to enhance the Naffziger Society website and modernize its internal operations. This built on the foundation laid by his predecessors, Carlos U. Corvera, M.D., A. Brent Eastman MD and James R. Macho, M.D.
Second, I want to expressly thank those members who supported the Society in 2015 through payment of their annual membership dues. Funds from dues are critical to supporting the mission of the Society including our educational symposiums, annual events and social functions. We truly value your loyalty and financial support.
In 2015, I am pleased to report that many members took advantage of our new electronic billing options, paying their dues by simply clicking a “Pay Now” button embedded in the email containing their e-invoice. Others used the PayPal buttons on our website to pay for events as well as membership dues. Many academic surgeons elected to pay their dues through institutional expense accounts. To make this process easier, we have posted our W-9 form online so academic assistants needing this information can easily access it.
In approximately a week, we will be sending out eInvoices to the membership for 2016 dues, and paper invoices to members without email addresses on file.
Upcoming Events
Annual Business Meeting and Dinner Honoring the Chief Residents
I would like to cordially invite you to attend our upcoming annual meeting, which will take place in San Francisco from May 12th – May 14th at the Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel at the same time as the Postgraduate Course in Hernia Surgery.
Our business luncheon will take place on Thursday, May 12th from 12:00 – 1:00 pm on the 10th Floor of Marines’ Memorial in the Regimental Room. We are pleased to again welcome Nancy L. Ascher, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery, who will be giving her annual “State of the Department” address to the membership. The dinner honoring the Department’s graduating chief residentswill take place on Friday, May 13, 2016 from 7:00 – 9:30 pm at One Market Restaurant.
RSVP and Payment
To RSVP for these events, please email or use our Contact Form. You may also call the Society directly at (650) 992-1387. Please indicate how many people will be attending: 1) the business lunch and/or 2) the dinner honoring the Chief Residents.
Payment for the event may be made: 1) Via Paypal using the Pay for Events button on the Naffziger Society website 2) By mailing a check to: UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society, 179 Canterbury Ave., Daly City, CA 94015
Please register for these events by April 25, 2016 as we must provide a headcount to the venue hosts. For additional details, please visit the Naffziger Surgical Society Annual Meeting Page.
Postgraduate Course in Hernia Surgery
This three-day symposium commences on Thursday, May 12, 2015 at 7:30 a.m. and runs through Saturday, May 14, 2016, adjourning at 12:00 p.m. The Postgraduate Course in Hernia Surgery, co-chaired by Hobart W. Harris, MD, MPH, Professor and Chief of Division of General Surgery at UCSF and myself, features renowned experts in the fields of general, gastrointestinal, and laparoscopic surgery; surgical nutrition and metabolism; reconstructive microsurgery; and complex abdominal wall reconstruction. The program will explore the latest developments in the field including evidenced-based studies and emerging consensus of expert opinion. The conference will also provide an ideal networking forum where you can reconnect with other Naffziger members.
Among the roster of distinguished faculty are: the 2016 Naffziger Invited Lecturer,Guilherme M. Campos, MD, FACS(left), Division Chair and Professor of Surgery at VCU School of Medicine, Naffziger Visiting Professor,Carlos A. Pellegrini, MD, FACS, FRCSI (Hon.) *(right),*Professor and Chair of the Department of Surgery at University of Washington, and Postgraduate Course Keynote Speaker, Robert G. Martindale, MD, PhD, (shown at left below) Professor and Chief of Gastrointestinal and General Surgery, and Medical Director of the Hospital Nutritional Service Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).
The three-day conference, with coverage of over fifty topics, is free to all Naffziger Society members through a special arrangement with the University of California, San Francisco. This program represents a tremendous value to our membership, one that would otherwise cost $750.00 to attend.
I want to extend a warm welcome to six new lifetime members from the class of 2015, all of whom have taken positions as clinical fellows: Jessica H. Beard, MD, MPH (UPenn), Jack W. Harbell, MD (UCSF), Sandhya B. Kumar, MD (UCSF), Lawrence B. Oresanya, MD (Temple Univ.), Amanda Sammann, MD, MPH (OHSU), and Cathy J. Tang, MD, MS (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles). Lifetime members are comprised of the graduating Chief Residents from the UCSF General Surgery Residency Program.
In addition, we recently inducted four new Associate Members: Ankit Sarin, MD, MHA, Matthew Y.C. Lin, MD, Catherine Juillard, MD, MPH, and Errol L. Bush, MD. Associate members are comprised of: 1) full-time faculty in the Department of Surgery who have had their appointment for at least three years, and 2) UCSF clinical fellows who have completed at least one-year of training.
Wen T. Shen, M.D. Nominated as Vice-President/President Elect
I am pleased to announce that the Executive Council has nominated Wen T. Shen, M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery at UCSF, to be our 67th President. Upon confirmation in May, Dr. Shen will become Vice-President/President Elect, then assume the reigns of the presidency on July 1st. In addition to being an outstanding surgeon, resident mentor and dedicated physician-scientist, Dr. Shen has distinguished himself as a medical historian. The holder of a a masters’ degree in the History of Medicine, he has published articles on the 1942 Coconut Grove Fire in Boston and its impact on burn care, the history of adrenal incidentaloma, and many other thought-provoking topics.
Enhancements to Naffziger Society Website
Over the past three years, we have continued to improve the Naffziger Society website, adding features and discovering new ways for our members to connect with one another. I welcome you to visit the site and view the rich content and features it offers. Our searchable membership directory now includes an entry for each member that displays the year of graduation (for UCSF Chief Residents), the member’s area of practice(s), and a link to the member’s biography. Despite our best efforts, we have not been able to locate an online bio link for every member. To add or update your biography link, or to apprise us of any changes in your contact information, please use our member update form or email us at
The Society also has a news feed on the website where we post news summaries and notable announcements about our membership. If you would like to suggest a news story or submit an announcement for the website, please use our online form or email the Society. We also recently launched a Naffziger Society Photos Page at Flickr that houses photos of Naffziger events. if you have photos you want us to upload to this page, please email the Society.
Celebration Honoring William P. Schecter, MD
Last December, the UCSF Department of Surgery honored our esteemed colleague, William P. Schechter, M.D., Professor Emeritus of Surgery at UCSF and Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (SFGH). Dr. Schechter was honored for his illustrious career and myriad accomplishments during a luncheon and academic program at the UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center, and later at a dinner celebration at AT&T Park in San Francisco, one that included a fireworks display. UCSF has also established the “Trauma Resident of the Year” award in Dr. Schechter’s honor. To read more about the celebration, please view our website news summary.
In April, we will be emailing the membership a very special issue of the Naffziger Society Newsletter that will have a historical look-back at the Department’s Loupes ceremony over the past decade, featuring presentation booklets and a full list of honorees and faculty presenters. Stay tuned!
Ed Chen Pledges Gift for Purchase of Chief Resident Chairs for 2016
Edward P. Chen, MD, a member of the class of 2000, has magnanimously pledged the sum of $5,000.00 for the purchase of ALL Chief Resident Chairs for members of the 2016 graduating class. These chairs are a tangible tribute to the Chief Residents who have made the arduous, but rewarding journey through the UCSF General Surgery Residency Program. Soon after their official induction into the UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society, graduating residents are shipped their Chief Resident Chair.
In a recent letter, Ed told me:
“I am happy to contribute in anyway you need. I would be happy to fund ALL the chairs for the Chiefs or fund ALL the loupes for the second years to be honest. I’m being serious. Also happy to contribute to the general fund, but I know how much those loupes and the chairs meant to me so would be happy to do so.”
Ed also views the gift as a way to bridge the geographical distance between San Francisco, the hub of the UCSF General Surgery Residency Program, and Atlanta, GA, where Dr. Chen is Associate Professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Emory University School of Medicine as well as Director of Thoracic Aortic Disease.
On a personal level, I found Ed’s gift so inspiring that I have decided to make a similar pledge for the purchase of ALL Chief Resident Chairs for the graduating class of 2017.
At last years’ business meeting, the general membership confirmed the nominations of Madhulika “Mika” Varma, M.D. and Rita Mukhtar, M.D. as members-at-large, and Jonathan Carter, M.D. as website liaison, to the Naffziger Society Executive Council. The Council also created two new positions and nominees for 2016: Naffziger historian”, Lawrence W. Way, M.D. and “Resident Liaison”, UCSF general surgery resident Bian Wu, M.D.
I am also pleased to report that Annette Bronstein has returned as our Executive Secretary, a position she previously held for over a quarter of a century. Annette is an event planner extraordinaire and has a deep and abiding affection for the membership. The Society has also appointed [Richard N. Barg, JD, MBA](,-jd,-mba.aspx) Director of Online Operations. Mr. Barg co-led the effort to develop the Naffziger website with the site’s designer [Colin Fahrion](, and deployed the Society’s new electronic billing system. Mr. Barg will now oversee all online and digital assets of the Society including its website and membership directory.
In Memoriam
Marjorie Stanley Albo – May 22, 1934 – June 25, 2015
It is with sadness that I report the passing of Marjorie Albo. Marjorie “Marge” was the beloved wife of the late Dr. Robert Albo, the well-known bay area surgeon and former team physician for the Oakland Raiders and Golden State Warriors for many years.
Final Words
I hope you will consider visiting San Francisco from May 12th – May 14th and join us for our Naffziger Society Annual Meeting and Postgraduate Course in Hernia Surgery co-hosted with the UCSF Department of Surgery. I believe you will find it an outstanding opportunity for professional development as well as an ideal way to reconnect with former mentors and colleagues.
I encourage your participation in the activities of the Society including playing a future role in leadership and governance. If you have ideas for advancing the Society’s mission, would like to nominate someone to our Executive Council, or want to offer input to improve the functioning of the Society, please email me at
And, in closing, thank you again for giving me the opportunity to serve as President of this venerable society.
It remains as my honor and privilege to serve as your 65th Naffziger Society President for 2014-15. I wanted to update you on our upcoming annual events and make some other announcements attendant to our latest Executive Council meeting in January:
I have invited Dr. Gerard Doherty as the Naffziger Visiting Professor and UCSF Endocrine Surgery has invited Dr. Nancy Perrier from the MD Anderson Cancer Center. I am delighted to report both of our invited speakers have accepted. All members are cordially invited to attend our March 6th lunch business meeting at Marine’s Memorial, and our March 6th dinner meeting at One Market Restaurant where we will recognize both the 2015-16 UCSF Chief Residents and our new society members.
Registration for Course
There is no charge for attending the Postgraduate Course itself. Attendance is complementary. However, if CME Credit is required, there is a $35.00 charge.
Note online registration is not available for Naffziger members. Instead, please register either by calling the CME office at 415-475-5808 or registering at the conference with Courtney Flookes, the Post-Graduate course coordinator.
Cost for Business Lunch and Naffziger Dinner
For your convenience, you may now pay for these events online by clicking the PayPal Pay for Events button on our website. The cost for the lunch on March 6th is $50.00 and $100.00 for the dinner that evening for a total of $150.00. If you elect to bring a spouse or guest to the dinner, please add an additional $100.00. PayPal will give you the option at checkout to attach a note indicating which events you are paying for and whether you will be bringing a guest. Click here if you would like to pay for these events using PayPal. You may also mail us a check at the address listed below.
Membership Dues Support the Naffziger Society’s Mission
We truly value your support and loyalty through payment of membership dues. These funds are critical to supporting the mission of the Society including our educational symposiums, annual events and social functions. For those of you who have paid this past year’s membership dues, Thank You!
If you have not yet paid your 2014 dues for the academic year 2014-2015, please consider doing so today by clicking the PayPal “Pay Membership Dues“ button on our website. Click here if you would like to pay these dues now. You may also, of course, send us a check for $200.00 made payable to the “UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society”. Please mail the check to:
UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society P.O. Box 3052 Berkeley, CA 94703
Since we are a 501(c)(3) registered organization, your membership dues should be tax deductible.
New Online Billing and Payments System
I am also pleased to tell you about our new and modern system for billing and payment of membership fees. We have worked hard to make payment of dues easy and convenient. Members with valid email addresses on file will be emailed electronic invoices for membership dues for the 2015-2016 academic year. For the first time, you may pay your dues directly from your electronic invoice by clicking the “View Pledge Now” button within the email. This will take you to a secure website with a “Pay Now” button operated by “Intuit Payment Processing”, a well-established and highly respected name in the field. You payment will be instantly credited to your membership account and you will receive a payment confirmation.
Because we are in a year of transition from a purely paper-based system, we will also be mailing paper bills to the membership. We will, of course, endeavor to avoid sending you a paper bill if you have already paid your 2015-2016 dues electronically.
Supporting the Orlo Clark Lectureship in Endocrine Surgery
Dr. Quan Duh has written an accompanying letter to the membership providing additional details on the outstanding didactic program for this years’ post-graduate course, and further requesting your support of The Orlo Clark Lectureship in Endocrine Surgery. Dr. Clark is recognized as one of the fathers of modern American endocrine surgery and is world-renowned in the field. Please click here to read Dr. Duh’s letter.
In Closing
Finally, we appreciate the efforts of members to update the Society on their latest contact information. During the past year, we have made significant strides in cleaning up our records and bringing the society forward into the digital age. As a reminder, you can update your contact information at any time by using the contact form on our website or by emailing us directly at
I look forward to seeing you in person on March 6th and 7th for several days of learning and fellowship. Please feel free to to reach out to me or any council member regarding any issue you would like addressed or if you have ideas for improving the Society.
James Constant, MD President, UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society
It is my honor and privilege to serve as your 65th President for 2014-15. Our Executive Council met in September and I would like to summarize for you some important announcements including new nominations to the executive council and upcoming events.
Executive Secretary Annette Bronstein has retired after many years of service. The Naffziger Society wishes to express its gratitude for her service.
Our new Executive Secretary is Angie Hirano Shin. Many of you know Angie from her outstanding work as Manager of the UCSF Department of Surgery Education Office. Recently Angie returned to California from Hawaii and the Society is very fortunate to have her.
Nominations by Executive Council
The council has nominated Dr. Laurence Yee as Vice-President for 2014-15. After confirmation at our annual meeting in March 2015, Dr. Yee will become Vice-President/President-Elect and then President for the 2015-16 term.
The council has nominated Dr. Mika Varma as a member-at-large
The council has nominated Dr. Rita Mukhtar as a member-at-large.
The council has nominated Dr. Jonathan Carter as website liaison.
Current Executive Council
In addition to myself, the Executive Council, is comprised of Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Shelley Marks; at-large members Dr. Crystine Lee, Dr. Michelle Li, Dr. Wen Shen; and immediate past-Presidents Dr. Carlos Corvera, Dr. Brent Eastman, and Dr. Jim Macho.
Website Updates
I encourage you to visit our website. We have made numerous improvements to the site including a new searchable membership directory.
In the near future, we will add the ability to pay membership dues on the site by clicking a PayPal button.
New Contact Info
You may reach us at our new address, via email, phone or fax:
UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society P.O. Box 3052 Berkeley, CA 94703 (415) 496-5572 (415) 325-4601 (Fax)
Support the Naffziger Society
Please support your society by ensuring your annual membership dues and contact information are current. Please use our contact us form or email us at with any changes.
Fall Events
Memorial Service for Dr. Thomas Russell Wednesday, October 29 – 6:30 – 7:30 pm
The American College of Surgeons will be hosting a “Celebration of Life” service for Dr. Thomas R. Russell, our friend and past Naffziger President (1991-92). The ACS has also created a wonderful tribute to Dr. Russell on its website.
The service will take place at:
Moscone Center North 747 Howard St., San Francisco, CA, 94103 Room 130-131
In conjunction with the ACS Clinical Congress, the Naffziger Society will be hosting a reception for our members as well as surgical residents at UCSF. The event will be held at:
Hotel Zetta VIP Playroom – Map and Directions 55 5th St. San Francisco
2015 Events
UCSF Post-Graduate Course in General Surgery / Naffziger Day
March 6, 2015
Naffziger lecture
Business meeting
USCF Department of Surgery Annual Surgical Loupes Ceremony
August, 2015
The Society will present and sponsor a resident each year in honor of Dr. Howard Naffziger.
Executive Council Meeting
The next Executive council meeting will be held in January, 2015. Feel free to to reach out to me or any council member regarding any issue you would like addressed.
In collaboration with the UCSF Department of Surgery 2014 Post Graduate Course, Drs. Nancy Ascher and Madhulika Varma have been extremely helpful in coordinating this year’s meeting with me, Past President Brent Eastman and President-Elect James Constant.
We have changed the format of the annual postgraduate course in General Surgery to conform to the evolving changes in the practice of Surgery toward a more subspecialty focus. This year, the course will focus on the field of Colorectal Surgery and will cover a broad range of interesting and challenging topics. In keeping with the“reunion” theme of last year’s meeting, Dr. Varma and I have selected speakers for the meeting who are Naffiziger Members, and were in-training during my residency years (1993-2001).
Friday, March 7, is designated as our Naffziger Day from 7 AM – 5:00 PM. You are welcome to attend ANY of the PG Course lectures free of charge.
Here are highlights of our terrific program:
Day One, Thursday March 6, is focused on topics related to benign anorectal disease and the medical and surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease.
Day Two, Friday, March 7, is designated as Naffziger Day. 7: 35 am. We are honored to have Dr. Thomas Russell give us a timely and valuable lecture on the “Affordable Care Act”.
Annual Business Meeting (Includes Lunch with Reservation) – many important things to discuss and decide about the future of our society.
2014 Naffziger Lecture by William Jarnagin, MD, FACS, Professor and Chief Hepatopancreatobiliary, Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Naffziger Rounds in a tumor board format with audience participation.
Day Three: Saturday March 8, Will address difficult problems in Colorectal surgery. The program will end with some debates and video sessions.
Don’t miss dinner on FRIDAY NIGHT at One Market Restaurant! Seating is limited so please RSVP soon to ensure your place. There should not be a more proud and viable society of surgeons than those of us who have had the privilege and good fortune to train at UCSF.
Best wishes,
Carlos Corvera, M.D. President, Howard C. Naffziger Surgical Society Associate Professor of Surgery, Chief, Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery, University of California, San Francisco,
I hope all of you received my December 28, 2012 “Save the Date” message and have made plans to attend our annual meeting and dinner. This year we are pleased to be collaborating with the UCSF Department of Surgery, scheduling the Naffziger program in conjunction with the Department’s 2013 Post Graduate Course in General Surgery. Drs. Nancy Ascher and Hobart Harris have been extremely helpful in planning this year’s meeting.
We have arranged for Friday May 17th to be our Naffziger Day with the Naffziger program running from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (see attached program for the entire 2-day PG graduate course, with our Friday Naffziger program highlighted). As Naffziger members, you are welcome to attend ANY of the PG Course lectures, either before and after our Naffziger program, free of charge.
For those who have chosen not to attend any or all of the clinical lectures from 7:00-10:00, we have reserved a “break out” room where we hope some of you may be able to gather with colleagues that you haven’t seen in a while ( i.e., a reunion). Some of you have requested such a gathering place in the past.
We have tried to design a program that will be of general interest to you, whatever your special clinical interests, type of practice, private or academic, urban or more rural.
Highlights of the program include:
Brief reports from selected UCSF residency graduates who are 1, 5, 10, 15 and 45! years out. They will talk about the challenges and opportunities they see. We hope this will provoke a dialogue with all of you.
An outstanding panel comprised of Drs. Blaisdell, Lewis, Deveney, Ascher and Pellegrini. They will discuss the challenges we face with surgical GME, training and continuing education in the 21st Century. Again, we will seek your input.
Annual Business Meeting (Lunch included) – lots of important things to discuss and decide regarding our future.
The old Naffziger Rounds, which we are re-establishing with an electronic twist. You will be presented several challenging cases and will have an electronic voting device at your seat. You will be ask “what would you do?” and we will be able to project collated (not individual) opinions – the “Collective Naffziger Intelligence”
Our 2013 Naffziger Lecturer whom I’m delighted to tell all of you about. He is Carlos Pelligrini, M.D., FACS, Professor of Surgery/Chair of the Department of Surgery at the University of Washington, and President-elect American College of Surgeons.
Dr. Pelligrini’s topic is The Surgeon as a Leader; Improving Quality, Decreasing Costs, highly relevant for all of us facing the changing landscape of health care in the U.S.
Past Naffziger President James Macho and President-elect Carlos Corvera have been extensively involved and enormously helpful in creating this program as has Annette Bronstein who found One Market for us.
I’ve heard from many of you a desire to try something new for our Naffzger dinner to enliven your SF trip for our meeting. To that end, our annual Naffziger dinner at 6:30 PM will be at a new (for us) and exciting location, with no added cost beyond previous dinners.
Based on last year’s dinner attendance, we should have plenty of room. However, we ultimately have a limited seating capacity. So if you and your significant other want to attend the dinner, please RSVP ASAP to ensure your place.
I am personally excited about this year’s Naffziger Day and hope to see many of you on May 17th. Let’s continue the rejuvenation of our UCSF surgical heritage as led by Presidents Blaisdell and Macho over the past several years.
There should not be a more proud and sustainable society of surgeons than we, who have had the privilege and great fortune to train at UCSF.
Best wishes,
A. Brent Eastman, MD, FACS, FRCSEd (Hon) President, UCSF Naffziger Surgical Society President, American College of Surgeons
I am honored to be writing to you today as your President for the current term. I give my heartfelt and sincere thanks to my colleagues on the Executive Council, A. Brent Eastman Vice-President and President Elect of the Naffziger Society and Secretary-Treasurer James Constant, M.D., for their dedicated service and support to the Society.
Naffziger Society Website
Today, we have launched a new website,, which showcases the great work the Society performs. The site includes:
Pages detailing the rich and storied history of the UCSF Department of Surgery and the Naffziger society
A roster of members and online biographies
A password-protected member page with contact information
A news feed comprised of outstanding accomplishments of our members
Annual meeting agendas and as well as highlights and photographs from last year’s meeting.
The ability to donate directly to the Society through a simple an easy-to-use interface linked directly to its account
We will also use the site to inform the membership about details of upcoming meetings and for collaborative purposes such as online newsletters, made possible by an optimized mailing list of content.
Many thanks to Colin Fahrion, manager of the UCSF Pediatric Surgery and Fetal Treatment Center sites, for his work in designing and developing the Naffziger site and to Richard N. Barg, Director of Web Strategy and Development for the Department of Surgery, for his work developing the content and stitching together the information architecture.
Membership Survey
Members conveyed the sentiment that their successful careers were directly related to the training that they received at UCSF. As a measure of gratitude, they expressed a desire to give something back through the Society by providing support for the next generation of UCSF surgeons. Following the survey, the number of duespaying members increased significantly! The responses also expressed enthusiasm for the our annual meetings, both to promote professional and personal interactions with fellow trainees and for the opportunity to interact directly with the current residents.
Changes to Bylaws
Under the leadership of F. William Blaisdell, many changes were made to the Naffziger Surgical Society. The bylaws were rewritten to reflect the primary purpose of the society as assisting the UCSF Department of Surgery with the educational advancement of its residents. A new meeting format was developed and implemented with a day of presentations followed by an evening dinner honoring the current UCSF chief residents.
2011 Meeting
The highlights of last year’s meeting at San Francisco General Hospital included “Grand Rounds” presentations on multiple topics given by Dr. Blaisdell’s “Trauma Team”. This was followed by a surgical morbidity and mortality conference, chaired by Dr. Donald Trunkey, with presentations of case reports from the 70s. At the evening dinner, the chief residents were individually introduced with their biographies. The contributions of Dr. J. Englebert Dunphy were recognized and honored with a presentation by Dr. Frank Lewis.
Agenda of 2012 Meeting
I am pleased to report to you that the next meeting of the Howard C. Naffziger Surgical Society will be held on Friday, June 1, 2012. Based on the success of last year’s program and the positive feedback received, we have decided to remain separate from the UCSF Postgraduate Course again this year. The program will focus on the decade of the 1980’s in UCSF surgical history. We will be recognizing and honoring two living legends of the Surgery Department, who both made great contributions during that era.
We are planning to have a series of presentations given by distinguished graduates of the program from the 80’s and the topics chosen should be of interest to members in all specialties. The program will be held at the new Mission Bay campus and site of the future UCSF Hospital. We anticipate that there will be an opportunity to tour the Mission Bay campus.
Our evening dinner program will be held in the private dining room at Farallon, a four star restaurant in downtown San Francisco. I hope that you will mark the date and make every effort to attend. For those who are coming from a distance and planning to stay over the weekend, we hope to be able to offer assistance with arranging your weekend activities by providing recommendations
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President this term. I look forward to seeing you at the June 1, 2012 Meeting and Dinner.